sketch it up When i feel bored of all same routinary scheds and work, i found myself scribbling on a paper. Lolx stealing time and making whats in my head. They may find me weird, ika nga eh walang basagan ng trip. Kailangan ng outlet parang ganun. But seems that I am weird but some people find me uniquely different. And that difference im proud of it. |
i didnt know it was a night of rest but instead my mind was awake and readin stuff on what you so called web. I didnt know! just until then I run the pages and read all that thoughts. All my anger fade away and my hatred come out softly. As I continue reading I just found out , "i didnt know" you are more than an artpiece. I melt away for the words I read. I get strucked. All I can say can u be my composer? Can I barrow those words and turn with tune. It might be something that will rhythm. jux it =P its the second day try of this very extravaganza site i found "" yup and pretty well suits my works. I dont need to zoom all stuff but its makes my work the center of focus. Well dont jux. Im enjoying using it. Arrangement of items are very artistic...whew. follow my other works on
Quite & relax place When i was a kid I dream of having a space for my paintings. Well we are not rich to afford everything we wanted. It takes time effort & of course striving for whats you dream of. When i was a kid i always says that "nothing is impossible if you have faith". Until now this is what I hold on everytime I look up into my dream and what we wanted in our lives. Just a small share for everyone I fixed up a small space in my humble room that can display and also where I work my artpieces. Its so cute & pretty for my eyes. This is what I call "A place when I can relax & find peace after a week of work." never ending imagination
I was thinking what color of leaves to use on this backdraft of strong colors... It takes time for me to finalized it. I try to imagine...and imagine...and imagine... its like a never ending imagination... and i love the outcome.... |
Author"Weather I'm painting or not, Archives
December 2014