I cant believe myself that a lot of volunteers is helping me. I am very much thankful for every effort you made this event possible.
Pour of blessing is coming! Yes I am the witness of this blessing that will help a million of children for M.Y. Rights.
Last 02/13/2010 its saturday. My mother and I visited the hometown of DYNAMIC TEEN COMPANY to had a meeting. A humble home and group of young teenager, children is present on the place. At first Im very nervous but as we go on in our discussion, I felt the sincerity and the conviction of this people pushing and proving the world that each and every individual has a hero within.
And to this group (DYNAMIC TEEN COMPANY) I am very thankful for giving me inspiration and continuing on what I believe in. Yes you are definitely right. MAKE a DIFFERENCE.
To all of people who believe that they can help in a small way.
Yes you can!
If you are blessed and you are capable of doing and proving what is the beauty of life, lets help and start to make a difference.
I am inviting you to "art exhibit for a cause" this coming February 12,2010
Your purchase of my art will benefit M.Y. RIGHT a project of MR. EMMANUEL BAGUAL (Nobel Prize Peace Finalist & Head of M.Y. Rights)
Be there and witness the presence of sharing!