its weekend again.....
starting to unwrap all things and preparing for my new project.
My theme was Doha city as per request of the buyer.
Now I am thinking what would be that start color? what is the setting and the highlights.
keep on posted...for updated pictures.
oppppppsss..pit stop....verse time!
"Then God saw everything that He had made,
and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day" - Genesis 1:31
No matter what our circumstances are, there are always things to enjoy and rejoice about. If we focus on the goodness and greatness of God: all He has created and all He has done for us, life will seem good. If, instead, we focus on our pains and problems, we will not enjoy life much. That's why I cherish every minute of my time.
As I saw a plain canvas. I felt that God create a big white canvas for everyone. And HE starts to paint to give life, color and all things He create. Thanks to Him, he gave me a big canvas with lots colors.
starting to unwrap all things and preparing for my new project.
My theme was Doha city as per request of the buyer.
Now I am thinking what would be that start color? what is the setting and the highlights.
keep on posted...for updated pictures.
oppppppsss..pit stop....verse time!
"Then God saw everything that He had made,
and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day" - Genesis 1:31
No matter what our circumstances are, there are always things to enjoy and rejoice about. If we focus on the goodness and greatness of God: all He has created and all He has done for us, life will seem good. If, instead, we focus on our pains and problems, we will not enjoy life much. That's why I cherish every minute of my time.
As I saw a plain canvas. I felt that God create a big white canvas for everyone. And HE starts to paint to give life, color and all things He create. Thanks to Him, he gave me a big canvas with lots colors.