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it keeps a while when im thinking of things and small details to add in this artwork.
for the time being that even of life is being shattered piece by piece but still it takes time and this wait is worth. simple finished and simple additions makes the picture perfect. but i wonder why i can still imagine this such things as detail while my head is spinning round and round on the circumstances of changes and challenges in life. God still holds my heart and my faith as i sail along this small boats of life. As i continue this small share of my day, have a minute read of my devotion. People have different designation and levels of living but who "who will govern"? Some people act as bossy and act like they are God the father even if they dont see whats there doing. then who will govern? - isaiah 9:7"His government and its peace will never end. He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David for all eternity. The passionate commitment of the LORD of Heaven's Armies will make this happen!" This is the question we must face, both as individuals and as nations. Who, or what, will be our "king?" Who will be our "supreme court?" (By "supreme court" I do not mean a group of people who meet in a building, but the final authority that we base our ideas, principles, and actions upon.) We have a choice. We can choose Jesus Christ and His Kingdom of Love, Light, and Life. Or we can choose selfishness and darkness and death. Whenever we reject Jesus and His Word from ruling over us, whether as individuals or as a nation, we choose darkness. I do not advocate any religious control over government. What we need instead is people in government who know the truth and will speak and act in truth and not out of self interest. We need people in secular government who are submitted to Jesus as their Lord and are willing to live and govern with His love for mankind, instead of acting in self interest. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. - matthew 6:10the event today is temporary. all who is governing will not govern soon. we will be equal, even if u are living in different nation, having different religion. We will be equal and we will be judge the way we live and the way we have a relationship with Him. thank you for a minute read. while all things is going crazy under my head, i still have the time poke this new window ^_^ have a minute to read from my devotion today.Be Who You Are 1 CORINTHIANS 15:10 NIV 10 But by the grace of God I am what I am - 1 cor 15:10 God is a brilliant Creator. He only makes originals -- not copies. According to Ephesians 2:10, you are God's work of art. God made you unique. So be all that God created you to be. Don't try to be someone else. Don't try to be an ear in the Body of Christ, if God made you a foot. Just be yourself. This does not mean that you cannot improve, or grow. Growth is part of God's plan. And we can certainly learn from others, and imitate excellent actions and attitudes.But too many people are insecure and hope to gain acceptance from others by conforming to what they think will make them popular or successful -- even though they hate it and know they are not being real. Don't let the world pressure you into conforming. Express the originality that God put within you. God made you the way you are for a purpose -- His purpose. This is not to encourage rebellion, of course. But it is not God's plan for us all to be identical and do everything in the same way. I am not saying you have to try to be different. Just be who God made you -- without fear. Not everyone may like you, or what you do. But that is normal. You can't always please everyone. Make it your aim to please God by expressing what He made you. The Bible reveals many truths about who we are once we receive Jesus Christ. We actually receive new life, a new standing with God, and new ability. As you feed the Word of God into your thinking, that new life will be able to manifest more and more. thanks for a minute read . . . buildings are rising up.....
but i need to wait patiently to dry so i can add the 3rd layer of buildings.... and very patiently making small windows from the building for effects..... background was dried up and ready for the sketching of buildings. I dont know how can i achieve the realistic view of Doha city. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............ =P I trying to still have my style and own unique way approach to build this art piece. But the background for me is enough I love the color combination. It is lively and wonderful. Yes every things on earth are very unique and I am glad that every piece matter. I will grab the chance to share a blessing while I am reading my devotion. if you minute....i just want to share that we are not alone HE see's and HE listen.
Are You In Trouble? - james 5:13 - am i? whos not right coz everyday life brings a lot of surprises. " Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise." The Greek word translated as trouble in this verse means to suffer trouble, be afflicted, or to endure hardship or evil. The best thing anyone facing trouble can do is pray. You don't have to know how, just pour out your heart to God and discuss the situation with Him.... Yup prayer is the best solution. We are tempted to do many other things: cry, complain, criticize others etc.. -- but Scripture says we should pray when we face tough problems. Notice it does not say you should ask everyone else to pray for you. It says you should pray. There is nothing wrong with having other people pray for you. But there is something wrong with expecting others to pray, while you never pray......isnt the true By praying, we do not mean begging God for help. God loves you, and always desires to assist us. Remember every rain there sunshine. =) What is needed is not twisting God's arm to get Him to help. Usually a part of the answer is God getting us quiet enough for long enough so He can speak to our hearts and show us what needs to be done. Sometimes we have missed it, and that is why we are in trouble. Other times, we may face trouble just because we live in a fallen world. But always, when we are in trouble, we need to know God's direction as to what to do. Discuss your situation with the Lord. Lay it out in detail. Often just telling Him honestly about the situation will cause you to realize what should be done. Pour out your soul to the Lord, but also wait in His presence with thanks and praise. Let our heart and mind get quiet. Let God's peace overcome your turmoil and worry..... seems I need to pray more and more. God tells us that if we will draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. This is why you should pray. You need God's help. He has the wisdom and knowledge to get you out of the trouble you face. Direction may not come the first time you determine to seek God and pray. We may not seem to get the answer while you pray. But know this: God is working, and the answer is coming. So keep praying. Keep on drawing closer to God. Help will come. Now as i finished..I will do a prayer......................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................... .................................................................................................................................................. ............................................. ..................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................................................................................................AMEN. He knows my heart and my mind. He will guide my way and your way. Not only to success but to show what is right. Love of God will govern from everything and anything in this world. Godbless you for the minute read. |